Petitions Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 1 - Senedd



Meeting date:
27 March 2012


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Abigail Phillips
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8421






1.   Introduction, apologies and substitutions (09.00)



2.   Discussion of Evidence Received on P-04-335 The Establishment of a Welsh Cricket Team (09.00 - 09.10) (Page 1)



3.   New petitions (09.10 - 09.15)




P-04-371 Reduced fares on public transport for all children up to the age of eighteen  (Page 2)




P-04-382 Student fares on public transport  (Page 3)




P-04-378 Extend the Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty  (Pages 4 - 18)




P-04-379 Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day  (Page 19)




P-04-380 Bring back our bus! Petition against the removal of scheduled bus services from east Lampeter, Cwmann & Pencarreg  (Page 20)




P-04-381 Restoration for North Wales Hospital  (Page 21)




P-04-383 Against NVZ Designation for Llangorse Lake  (Pages 22 - 30)




4.   Updates to previous petitions (09.15 - 09.25)




P-04-354 Public statement of support for Bradley Manning  (Pages 31 - 32)



Housing, Regeneration & Heritage



P-04-322 A call to revise Cadw’s hold upon churches in Wales  (Pages 33 - 36)



P-04-356 A Call to Review the Issues Set Out in the 2007 Report on Football in Wales  (Pages 37 - 39)



Education & Skills



P-03-124 Cysgliad  (Pages 40 - 43)



Health & Social Services



P-04-348 Recycling Targets for Health Boards  (Pages 44 - 49)



P-04-359 Problems With The NHS For The Deaf  (Pages 50 - 55)



P-04-366 Closure of Aberystwyth Day Centre  (Pages 56 - 59)






P-04-353 Anti-hate crime campaign in Wales  (Pages 60 - 64)




5.   P-04-341 Waste and Incineration - Oral Evidence Session (09.25 - 09.50) (Pages 65 - 69)

Rob Hepworth, Chair, Stop Newport & Monmouthshire Incinerator Campaign (SNIC)
Haydn Cullen Jones, Vice Chair, Stop Newport & Monmouthshire Incinerator Campaign (SNIC)
Tim Maddison, Spokesperson, South Wales Without Incineration (SWWIN)



6.   P-04-341 Waste and Incineration - Oral Evidence Session (09.50 - 10.15) (Pages 70 - 76)

Tim Peppin, Director of Regeneration & Sustainable Development, WLGA

Rob Quick, Senior Reporting Officer, Prosiect Gwyrdd

Mike Williams, Director, Prosiect Gwyrdd



7.   P-04-341 Waste and Incineration - Oral Evidence Session (10.15 - 10.40) (Pages 77 - 87)

Matthew Farrow, Director of Policy, Environmental Services Association

Julie Barratt, Director, Chartered Institute for Environmental Health




8.   P-04-341 Waste and Incineration - Oral Evidence Session (10.40 - 11.00) (Pages 88 - 92)

John Griffiths AM, Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development

Jasper Roberts, Deputy Director Waste and Resource Efficiency Division

Dr Andy Rees, Head of Waste Strategy Branch



9.   Papers to Note 




P-03-136 Parking in Heath and Birchgrove  (Page 93)




P-03-292 Public Toilet Provision  (Pages 94 - 95)




P-04-358 Re-instate Home Support for children with ASD and their families in the Caerphilly County Borough  (Page 96)

